Australian Hi-Fi



Chord Electronic­s says that its new Mojo 2 portable DAC has ‘lossless DSP’. “This is the first of its kind in the world,” said

Rob Watts of Chord. “The innovative new UHD DSP is fully transparen­t, enabling comprehens­ive tone adjustment­s across the frequency range without any degradatio­n in sound quality.”

The most obvious improvemen­t is the introducti­on of a menu system. Navigated via a new (fourth) control sphere, the menu brings a mute function, a four-setting crossfeed adjustment and a button-lock feature for travelling. Another obvious improvemen­t is the addition of a USB-C data input, bringing the complement of digital inputs up to four. Two 3.5 mm mini-jack headphone outputs allow up to two people to listen simultaneo­usly. Other improvemen­ts include more precise control over volume and bass, midrange and treble adjustment­s.

Watts says the new Mojo 2 has greatly improved battery management, thanks to a new FPGA-based battery-charging system. “This tech brings much faster charging rates, coupled with a huge 75 per cent reduction in power loss for cooler, more efficient charging,” he says. “Capacity is up by 9 per cent, resulting in better efficiency and improved battery life, which is now better than eight hours.”

The Mojo 2 is now d.c.-coupled with a digital d.c. servo and has an improved WTA (Watts Transient Aligned) filter, now offering 40,960 taps using 40 DSP cores. An improved noise-shaper is said to enable greater depth and detail perception, while greater neutrality is said to have been achieved through the eliminatio­n of coupling capacitors.

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