Australian Hi-Fi



British manufactur­er Cyrus Audio has entered a global partnershi­p with Canada’s Lenbrook Internatio­nal to integrate that company’s BluOS High-Resolution Multi-room Audio platform into its award-winning audiophile components. “Music streaming remains complex with the wide variety and rapidly changing list of services and features that are demanded by modern music consumers,” said Nicholas Clarke, Managing Director at Cyrus Audio. “We realised that being part of a well-establishe­d and class-leading ecosystem provided the best option for our customers and that the best option for that was the BluOS multiroom wireless streaming plaatform.”

“We continue to be highly selective about which brands we add to the BluOS platform,” said Gordon Simmonds, CEO of Lenbrook. “Cyrus Audio is one of those well-aligned brands that the Lenbrook team has long admired. We’re pleased they have come onboard to share our BluOS high-res music vision.”

“BluOS is an award-winning wireless platform. Any product fitted with BluOS can link with any other BluOS-enabled product connected to the same Wi-Fi network, enabling the sharing of music libraries and playlists, irrespecti­ve of the brand or type of audio component,” said Paul Riachi, of

Indi Imports, which distribute­s Cyrus in Australia. “Found in products that range from amplifiers through to powered speakers and rack-mounted installed audio, BluOS-enabled products satisfy a wide range of use cases and applicatio­ns, making it the most versatile hi-res multi-room streaming audio platform available on the market today.”

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