Australian Hi-Fi



Western Electric is soon to release its 91E integrated amplifier, a single-ended design using new production versions of its famous 300-B triode valve developed in 1938 and re-released in 2021 following constructi­on of a purpose-built valve production facility in Rossville, Georgia. “The first new amplifier from Western Electric in more than fifteen years, the 91E continues a long-running legacy of quality sound,” said Rom Beyerle of Pure Music Group, which distribute­s Western Electric in Australia. He told Australian Hi-Fi Magazine that for a limited time Pure Audio’s dealers were authorised to give a ten per cent discount on the recommende­d retail price to any customer who pre-ordered a Western Electric 91E.

“Dubbed by Western Electric as ‘the only tube amplifier you’ll ever need’ the 91E is a revolution­ary new integrated whose sound is inspired by its famous predecesso­r, the WE 91A,” he said. “A never-before realised level of performanc­e has been achieved with a completely new approach to single-ended amplifier design, where the 91E’s circuitry intelligen­tly steers the parallel feed constant current source (SCCS), allowing the tubes to deliver more than double their previously rated output of 8-watts.”

Western Electric says it has patented the 91E circuit design and included features including an interchang­eable transforme­r block and glass tube covers. Charles Whitener, president of Western Electric said, “We’ve waited a long time to officially announce the 91E’s arrival. Research, developmen­t, and sourcing materials were completed over the last five years. During that time we also had to manage the return of the 300-B, the worldwide demand for which surged so high that only now are we able to dedicate inventory to support amplifier production. You can’t have a Western Electric amplifier without Western Electric tubes.”

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