Australian Hi-Fi



“The Dali Kore represents for Dali a design, electroaco­ustic, engineerin­g, manufactur­ing and musical rebirth,” said the brand’s CEO,

Lars Worre, at the official unveiling of the company’s all-singing-all-dancing flagship speakers at the High End Munich show in May. Indeed, the Kore are the most advanced speakers the Dali team has ever built, packed with a number of technical innovation­s and firsts for the Danish company.

Firstly, each driver used in Kore has been designed from the ground up. The midrange and bass drivers use a new generation of Dali’s SMC (Soft Magnetic Compound), combined with a concept the company calls Balanced Drive, to create Balanced Drive SMC, which uses two voice coils to reduce any potential signal loss and distortion.

The seven-inch midrange unit also includes a redesigned version of Dali’s trademark wood fibre cone.

The Evo-K Hybrid Tweeter, meanwhile, is an evolution of the high-frequency unit used in the brand’s high-end Epicon range. Built in-house, the 35mm dome unit features a redesigned ribbon tweeter element that Dali claims delivers improved performanc­e, helps with integratio­n and lowers distortion.

You won’t be surprised to hear plenty of attention to detail has been paid to the speakers’ enclosures, which, if you can excuse a British tongue creeping in here, deserve a “blimey” exclamatio­n following their name. The curved wood laminate features a striking Ammara Ebony veneer with a contrastin­g texture finish, while the use of die-cast aluminium and composite materials have been chosen to give a rigid platform for each driver. Speaking of platforms, each speaker has a 34kg cement-based plinth keeping it firmly anchored to the floor — it’s needed, given each speaker weighs over 110kg!

Dali appears to have thrown everything at the Kore, including a sweat-inducing price tag of $150,000. Fingers crossed they are worth the outlay and, for that matter, the wait. The Dali Kore should be hitting Aussie waters sometime next year (timeframes are yet to be confirmed).

For more informatio­n, contact Amber Tech on (02) 9998 7600 or visit www.ambertech.

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