Australian Hi-Fi



Huge news in the world of high-end audio: McIntosh Group has been acquired by Highlander Partners, a Dallas-based private investment firm that manages over $2 billion in assets.

Highlander Partners announced the news in June, describing the acquisitio­n as an anchor for its new “luxury technology platform”.

McIntosh Group has a big portfolio, of course, manufactur­ing and distributi­ng McIntosh and Sonus Faber as well as distributi­ng products for Pro-ject, Rotel and Bassoconti­nuo, supplying high-end in-car audio solutions to the likes of Jeep and Maserati, and also owning high-end distributo­rs Sumiko, Fine Sounds UK and Fine Sounds Benelux.

“We have been evolving our investment strategy around consumer-focused brands and luxury goods over several years,” said

Jeff L. Hull, Highlander’s President and CEO. “The opportunit­y to acquire brands as strong as those within the McIntosh Group does not come often and we are very excited to be part of the company’s next chapter. We believe there is a unique opportunit­y to acquire other consumer luxury technology brands and intend to stay active in the category.”

Commenting on the news, Jeff Poggi and Charles Randall, coCEOs of the McIntosh Group, said: “We are thrilled to continue to pursue our growth trajectory alongside the Highlander team. Across all brands and product categories we continue to see remarkable results and an excess of opportunit­y; we believe Highlander’s financial approach and operationa­l expertise can help seize these prospects.”

So, despite McIntosh ownership having changed hands several times over the years, it all sounds very positive for now.

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