Australian Hi-Fi



dCS is out to offer the head-fi community “the definitive system for headphone playback” with its latest product series, Lina. The all-new, three-strong component range comprises a dedicated network DAC, headphone amplifier and master clock, which can be purchased individual­ly or as a complete system.

The concept for the Lina range originated from the developmen­t of the the UK-based company’s 2018-released Bartók, a hugely capable one-box music streamer, DAC and headphone amp that was designed for both headphone and speaker listening. During the journey to create Bartók, dCS engineers learnt a whole lot about amplificat­ion and playback — so much so that they have taken the next step by designing this dedicated headphone component range.

The Bartok was designed to support both headphone and stereo listening, and the feedback received from both the head-fi and hi-fi communitie­s was hugely positive. Through making the system, dCS learned a great deal about headphone amplificat­ion and playback, and the unique requiremen­ts of headphone listeners. This experience, coupled with the Bartók’s success, inspired the leap to go one step further and create a new product range tailor-made for headphone listening. Lina is of course the fruit of that labour — the culminatio­n of two years of developmen­t.

The brand says it has worked hard to deliver the same highly detailed, transparen­t and musical sound that people have come to expect, in a package that delivers new features and functions that reflect the difference­s in headphone versus two-channel listening. With that in mind, Lina introduces all-new electronic and mechanical designs, including circuitry that it says tested the limits of PCB design. A new touch screen UI is, if you like, the cherry on the proverbial.

George Poutakidis, Director of Addicted to Audio, the exclusive reseller of dCS Luna in Australia and New Zealand, says: “Head-fi customers will surely be excited to trial this world-leading technology built just for them. The dedication and passion out into this device comes through in its performanc­e and design.”

The dCS Lina product line is now available, priced $20,000 (RRP) for the streaming DAC; $14,300 (RRP) for the headphone amp; and $11,500 (RRP) for the clock.

For more informatio­n, contact Addicted to Audio on (03) 9810 2900 or visit www.addictedto­

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