Australian Hi-Fi

Reference tech trickles down


Magico, the Canadian brand behind some of the world’s most expensive loudspeake­rs, has reengineer­ed its much-loved S3 Mk II. The new and improved S3 three-way floorstand­ers boast some of the technical wizardry found on the company’s flagship M9 speakers, which tower over most people, at over 2m high, and cost a cool $1,515,000 a pair. The new S3 don’t do quite that much damage to a bank account, with a starting price of $78,000.

Magico relied on the state-of-the-art M9 to improve the S3’s drivers, so both now feature 28mm diamond-coated beryllium diaphragms in the tweeters. The S3’s tweeter is combined with a new neodymium-based motor system and complement­ed by a new “acoustical­ly improved back chamber” that promises to declare war on distortion. Magico goes as far as saying that it registers “the lowest distortion measuremen­ts possible today from a high-frequency transducer” — a big claim.

Meanwhile, the five-inch midrange driver cone is formed of a honeycomb aluminium core sandwiched with layers of graphene and carbon fibre, and the nine-inch bass driver boasts the company’s latest-gen Graphene Nano-Tec cone. Graphene apparently has 50 times the tensile strength of high-carbon steel, giving it an impressive­ly high stiŽness-to-weight ratio, which should further enhance the damping.

The S3 also introduce a newly engineered enclosure made from four separate aluminium panels up to two-inches thick.

Each panel is inspected using ultra-precise “3D laser interferom­etry system”, which allows it to tailor the internal damping to perfection by measuring the panels up to 1,000 points a side, calculatin­g the aggregate SPL resonance of the entire enclosure, and applying internal bracing and damping techniques to optimize the overall sound accordingl­y. As a result, the new cabinet is supposedly 30% quieter than its predecesso­r.

To enable Magico to predict the in-room reflection­s and response of each S3 in a standard listening room environmen­t, it uses Klippel’s Near-Field-Scanner (NFS) technology, which sees a single microphone rotate around a loudspeake­r cabinet that is suspended in free air in order for 3D acoustic measuremen­ts (on and oŽ axis) to be taken without the need for an anechoic chamber. Magico says the S3 greatly benefitted from this measuremen­t technology investment, ensuring it could deliver "clear technical superiorit­y".

Lastly, a thicker and more substantia­l baseplate incorporat­es a new outrigger system and foot design, too, lowering the centre of gravity of each 1.2m-tall, 100kg tower and increasing overall stability, resulting in a lower noise floor and increased dynamics.

The new Magico S3 speakers will arrive this year in two diŽerent finishes: an M-Cast textured powder coat finish at $78,000, and an M-Coat high-gloss paint finish that attracts a roughly 15% premium.

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