Australian Hi-Fi

Ultra, retro, cool

- For more informatio­n, contact HiFi Collective on (03) 9013 4334 or visit www.hificollec­

In February, at the UK’s biggest hi-fi show of the year, Scottish loudspeake­r brand Fyne Audio helped maintain the momentum of the retro-revival by unveiling its classic-looking Vintage Fifteen and Five speakers. The new models are, in Fyne's words, “ultra, retro, cool” and arrive to top and tail the company’s firmly establishe­d Vintage line.

The Vintage Fifteen is now the largest model in that series, sitting above the also-new Five and previously launched Vintage Ten and Twelve. Each 93kg loudspeake­r is loaded with what Fyne describes as “its most ambitious and dynamic” IsoFlare driver to date. The familiar point source transducer system features a giant 15-inch (380mm) multi-fibre cone mid/ bass driver, paired with Fyne’s 75mm titanium dome, neodymium motor compressio­n tweeter, for a claimed 800W peak power handling and bass down to 22Hz.

Also flying the flag for ambition is the 1970s-inspired design. The cabinets are handbuilt from a birch plywood that has been finished in a walnut veneer, with the aesthetic completed by gold anodised metalwork and a “retro texture” grill. While more than just a design flourish, their analogue dial ‘Presence’ and ‘Energy’ controls for personal room tuning are pretty eye-catching too.

The twin-cavity enclosure has been mathematic­ally contoured to reduce standing waves, and is ported downwards onto Fyne’s largest BassTrax LF dišuser system to date. This port design supposedly allows the 15-inch driver to move the largest volume of air without port turbulence from a Fyne speaker yet.

Apart from being bookshelf-sized and now the smallest member of Fyne’s classic lineup — something that Fyne says took a year of R&D to achieve — the Vintage Five look near-identical to their larger floorstand­ing siblings, sharing that veneered, handbuilt birch ply cabinet and gorgeous gold-metal trim. This time, however, they feature Fyne’s smallest IsoFlare driver, which combines a five-inch (125mm) multi-fibre cone mid/bass driver with a 19mm neodymium motor, compressio­n dome tweeter. The IsoFlare driver is built into a cast aluminium chassis and incorporat­es Fyne’s flux-focusing magnet. This combo apparently helps eliminate vibration colouratio­n and increases bass sensitivit­y.

Like the Vintage Fifteen, the Vintage Five has its own ‘Deep Cryogenica­lly Treated’ crossover, Van den Hul silver plated OFC internal wiring, and a ‘Presence’ control dial for fine room integratio­n.

Available this autumn, the Vintage Five are priced $8,495, while the Vintage Fifteen come in at a very aspiration­al $69,995. The new models sandwich the existing members of the range — the $42,995 Vintage Ten and $54,995 Vintage Twelve.

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