Australian Hi-Fi

A new dawn for Meridian


Meridian has revealed a new loudspeake­r, but not just any loudspeake­r — it’s hailing the DSP9 as the start of a new chapter for the British company. One that is evident in the striking cabinet aesthetic alone, showcasing an all-new design language for Meridian.

The shapely design uses “the geometry of the ellipse” to create its bold look. But it isn't just visually arresting; it also oˆers acoustic benefits, says the company.

The spaces within the cabinet have been designed to enhance performanc­e, while its curvature minimises unwanted sound diˆraction produced by the drive units. Meridian claims “outstandin­g fidelity, dynamics and power” from the DSP9, whether it is part of a hi-fi or home cinema setup.

This is the second product to emerge from Meridian’s Extreme Engineerin­g Programme, which represents the pinnacle of the brand's innovation and engineerin­g and was created to ‘re-imagine every element of Meridian’s product platforms’. The first product was the DSP8000 XE which launched in 2021. But the DSP9 looks like an altogether sleeker aˆair.

It's packed with proprietar­y technologi­es and engineerin­g also found in the DSP8000 XE, from next-generation drivers to a heap of processing designed to push the most detail through them. For example, there is the Atlas Software Core control platform, featuring Meridian’s most powerful DSP engine to date. The Precision Sonic Transport works to ensure that every aspect of the audio signal journey through the loudspeake­r maintains maximum sonic fidelity. And Q-Sync deploys Meridian’s multiple “First

In, First Out” buˆering system with the goal of minimising jitter. Bespoke signal mapping utilises digital processing to apply tailored crossover filters designed specifical­ly for the DSP9’s driver configurat­ion, too. Speaking of which, the six-driver arrangemen­t marries a 25mm beryllium dome and 160mm mid-range driver (both driven by Class AB amps) with four

200mm polypropyl­ene long-throw bass drivers, driven by four bridged pairs of Class D amps.

The result? Unrivalled performanc­e and power with an exceptiona­l listening experience in all environmen­ts, according to Meridian.

You can set up and control the DSP9 using the Meridian B-Link Bluetooth device, or via IR, USB, RS232 or a Meridian Controller product. And they can be fed music from any source featuring a balanced or unbalanced line-level analogue output — just use an IA21 analogue input module to switch the functional­ity.

With Meridian’s Select finishing service, the DSP9 can either be painted the same colour as your room to blend in, or given the bolder colourway it arguably deserves. US pricing is $85,000, so expect six figures in Aussie dollars. For more informatio­n, contact Cogworks on (07) 5415 0337 or visit

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