Australian House & Garden

A two-tiered Sydney garden is redesigned to create one fabulous arena for outdoor entertaini­ng.

An awkward two-tiered garden has been transforme­d into the perfect poolside entertaini­ng space for easy alfresco living.

- TEXT Elizabeth Wilson | PHOTOGR APHY Jason Busch PETER FUDGE

The brief

The new owners of this Sydney property loved the scale of their 500m2 rear garden and the charming 30-year-old swimming pool, but saw the potential to enhance the outdoor space. They asked Peter to create a more sociable setting. “The space was divided into two: the pool was located on one side of the property, with a lower lawn area on the other,” says Peter. “It needed to operate more as one space. They wanted the garden to be an extension of the house, where they could eat, entertain, hang out, garden and swim.”

The solution

To unify the garden, Peter raised the lower level by 400mm to sit flush with the pool. This involved importing eight tonnes of soil. The only element remaining at the lower level is a lovely old camellia, around which Peter has created a sunken fire pit. Because the designer liked the retro feel of the original sandstone flagging around the pool, he extended its use throughout. The plant palette is lush and eclectic, designed to create “a visual feast of texture and colour”, says Peter.

Designer statement

“The pool, fire pit and entertaini­ng areas all relate to each other. The consistent planting palette envelops these elements to make the garden uniform.”


Densely packed garden beds, brimming over with fascinatin­g combinatio­ns of leaf types and textures, are key to this garden. “The garden owners like quirky plants, so I’ve chosen species that suit their aesthetic and will thrive without too much work,” says Peter. The bed shown at left, on the eastern boundary alongside the pool, features green Santolina fringing the path. Behind it is Kalanchoe ‘Silver Spoons’,

Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’, Calamagros­tis ‘Overdam’ and silvery Miscanthus.

To grow a forever garden, you’ll need to nurture young plants from the outset. Here, Peter’s tips for growing a long-living plot:

Thorough preparatio­n is crucial. Before you start planting, improve the soil structure of all garden beds. Use decomposed cow manure and make sure that you work it into the soil to a depth of 500mm.

Mulch your planted beds twice a year, every year, with decomposed cow manure. Do this to 50mm deep and it will work its way through the soil structure, leaving your soil rich and dark, and your plants looking radiantly healthy.

Water plants in the morning before the sun hits them to prevent burning. Drip-irrigation systems are a great back-up but aren’t to be relied on. Water beds thoroughly, soaking the soil. Do this once a week. It will allow the plant roots to grow deeply and independen­tly.

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