Australian House & Garden



Serves 6.

2¼ cups (560ml) milk

1 vanilla bean, split lengthways 1 strip orange zest (no white pith) 2 large free-range eggs

35g caster sugar Meringues 225ml milk

4 large free-range eggwhites ½ cup (110g) caster sugar ½ tsp natural vanilla extract

1 Pour milk into a small saucepan. Scrape in vanilla seeds, add vanilla bean and orange zest. Heat milk until almost boiling. Cover, remove from heat and set aside for at least 30mins to allow flavours to infuse.

2 Return milk to a simmer. Place eggs and sugar in a bowl and whisk until smooth, then gradually add hot milk, whisking constantly. Return mixture to saucepan and cook over low heat, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, for 10mins or until mixture thickens enough to coat the back of the spoon. (NB Do not allow mixture to boil.) Strain custard into a bowl, cover and refrigerat­e until cold.

3 To make meringues, place milk in a deep, wide saucepan with enough water to give a depth of about 5cm. Place saucepan over low heat and bring to a gentle simmer.

4 Meanwhile, use an electric mixer with a whisk attachment to whisk eggwhites to soft peaks. Gradually add sugar and vanilla extract; continue whisking until meringue is stiff.

5 Using two large spoons dipped in cold water, form large egg-shaped ovals of meringue, gently dropping them into the simmering liquid as you go. Do this in a couple of batches – don’t overcrowd the pan and don’t let the meringues touch. Cook 8mins, turn and cook on other side a further 4mins. Remove and drain on paper towel.

6 To serve, pour custard into serving bowls and top with meringues.

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