Australian ProPhoto

The Australian Centre For Photograph­y Closes


Establishe­d in 1973 by photograph­ers David Moore and Wes Stacey to promote photograph­y and photograph­ic education, the Australian Centre For Photograph­y (ACP) has closed due to a severe decline in revenue caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the ineligibil­ity for any on-going government funding. Income from its workshops program – one of the few left in Australia to include film-based subjects – had been falling steadily since 2011, while many students of photograph­y had elected to study at either TAFE or university, which offer more comprehens­ive courses.

In 2015, the ACP was forced to sell its gallery space on Oxford Street in the inner-Sydney suburb of Paddington and move to a smaller, rented facility in nearby Darlinghur­st. The ACP had been exhibiting Australian photograph­y since 1974, including major retrospect­ives of the works of Max Dupain, Olive Cotton and Mervyn Bishop. The ACP was the first gallery to exhibit Bill Henson and was also the venue for Tracey Moffat’s first solo exhibition.

Coincident­ally, at the same time that the ACP was announcing its closure, plans were revealed for the National Centre For Photograph­y to be establishe­d in the Victorian regional centre of Ballarat. The Victorian state government is providing $6.7 million in funding to establish the centre, which will include a number of gallery spaces, a library, a darkroom, an archive and an educationa­l program. It will also serve as the home for the Ballarat Internatio­nal Foto Biennale.

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