Australian Traveller



It’s Western Australia’s largest island and a remote nirvana steeped in history and rich with wildlife. Dirk Hartog Island forms the western boundary of the Shark Bay World Heritage area and boasts stunning landscapes, unique wildlife and extraordin­ary marine experience­s. Its 1616 discovery by Captain Dirk Hartog also happened to put Australia on the world map. Many explorers followed the Dutch skipper, including Willem de Vlamingh in 1697, William Dampier in 1699 and Louis de Freycinet in 1818. Today, though, exploratio­n is the role of tourists who can discover the island and stay in the rustic luxury Eco-Lodge located only 30m from the calm waters of Shark Bay. Experience the flavours of locally caught seafood; take a guided coastal walk discoverin­g secluded beaches and giant sand drifts, whilst humpback whales follow your every step. Join a marine safari to view dugong, dolphins, sharks and turtles. This island has a peacefulne­ss about it, with a powerful energy connecting people to place. CONTACT dirkhartog­ 08 9948 1211

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