Good Food

A new way to beat single-use plastic

Say ‘pasta la vista’ to plastic straws


If you haven’t heard by now that plastic straws are bad news, then where have you been? The realisatio­n that this kind of single-use plastic is detrimenta­l to the environmen­t has even led to a government ban on plastic straws, which will come into force in April 2020. So, whether at home or in a restaurant, pub or bar, we’re starting to see more eco-friendly alternativ­es to plastic straws, from paper to metal, but here’s a new one that piqued our interest: pasta straws. Yes, straws made out of pasta, also known as ‘stroodles’ ( are the latest to grace our glasses. It might sound a bizarre concept, but they really do have their pros – they’re more durable than paper, lasting for hours in drinks rather than minutes, they are completely biodegrada­ble and even edible (you could cook and eat them after use if you wanted to) and they’re flavourles­s when used in most drinks, although there was a very slight starchy flavour when we tried it with plain water. Founder Maxim Gelmann, aka Mr Stroodle, sells his stroodles to various bars. You can buy them online at

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