Good Food

Mornay melting-middle fishcakes


MAKES 4 PREP 45 mins plus at least 3 hrs 15 mins freezing COOK 35 mins


500g floury potatoes, such as Maris Piper or King Edwards, cut into small chunks

1 bay leaf

300g smoked haddock or cod 140g salmon grating of nutmeg small bunch of parsley, chopped 1 lemon, zested, then cut into

wedges to serve

3 tbsp flour

2 eggs, beaten

100g fresh breadcrumb­s vegetable oil, for deep-frying, plus

extra for the tin mixed green salad, to serve

For the mornay sauce

1 tbsp plain flour

1 tbsp butter

300ml milk

50g mature cheddar, grated 1 tsp Dijon mustard

1 First, make the mornay sauce at least a few hours before making the fishcakes. Put the flour and butter in a small pan over a low-medium heat and cook until the butter is melted, then stir to make a paste. Slowly whisk in the milk until you have a smooth sauce. Continue cooking until thickened, about 5 mins, then remove from the heat, stir in the cheese and mustard, and seasoning. Oil a few small pieces of baking parchment, then use to line four holes of a muffin tin. Alternativ­ely, use silicone cupcake cases. Divide the sauce between the cases and freeze for at least 2 hrs.

2 Put the potatoes and bay leaf in a large pan, cover with water and season with salt. Bring to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 15-20 mins until tender. Remove the potatoes with a slotted spoon, put in a colander and leave to steam-dry.

3 Add all the fish to the water in the pan, reduce the heat to low and poach for 5 mins. The fish is cooked when it just starts to flake apart. Carefully transfer the fish to a board with a slotted spoon, and leave to cool for 5 mins.

4 Flake the fish, discarding any skin and bones. Tip the potatoes into a clean pan, season well and grate over some nutmeg. Mash until smooth, then fold through the fish, parsley and lemon zest. Leave to cool.

5 Divide the fishcake mix into four portions. Working with one portion at a time, shape into a ball. Make a well in the centre, and push one of the frozen mornay sauce discs into it. Shape the fishcake around the sauce middle so you have a smooth hockey-puck shape. Repeat with the remaining portions and sauce, then freeze the cakes for at least 15 mins.

6 Put the flour in a shallow bowl, the egg in a second, and the fresh breadcrumb­s in a third. Season the egg. Coat the fishcakes well in the flour, then the egg, and finally the breadcrumb­s. If you have any egg or breadcrumb­s left at the end, keep dipping and coating until everything is used up. Freeze the fishcakes until firm, about 1 hr. Can be frozen for up to one month. Defrost in the fridge for 2 hrs before cooking.

7 Fill a large, deep pan no more than two-thirds full with oil, and heat it to 180C. Or, use a deep-fat fryer. Heat the oven to 190C/170C fan/gas 5. Deep-fry the fishcakes for 7 mins, turning halfway, until crisp. Drain on a plate lined with kitchen paper, then transfer to a baking sheet and bake for 5 mins (or 15 mins from frozen) until the middles are hot. Serve with salad and lemon wedges.

GOOD TO KNOW calcium • vit c

PER SERVING 590 kcals • fat 28g • saturates 9g • carbs 49g • sugars 5g • fibre 4g • protein 34g • salt 1.6g

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