Good Food

Try a masterclas­s in cookery


We’re all spending more time at home, so why not use the opportunit­y to improve your skills in the kitchen with courses led by incredible food experts? We’ve partnered with Learning with Experts to create an exciting new collection of online courses you’ll love.

Study with BBC Good Food experts Barney and Cassie to grow your skills and culinary knowledge. The live virtual classes include pre-recorded video lectures, guides, and a community area where you can chat to your peers and share tips and advice. It’s a step up from simply following recipes – with our online masterclas­ses, you can get

creative with others online while being coached by the pros. Choose Essential Cooking Skills with Cassie Best to learn knife skills, make spice mixes, cook ish and seafood, and improve your bakes. In Make Sourdough at Home with Barney Desmazery master the sourdough basics in your own kitchen. Or, take both courses!

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