Good Food


Don’t waste anything after making our weeknight dinners (page 47)



cooked chicken

Sesame chicken slaw

Toss the chicken with shredded cabbage and any other raw crunchy vegetables. Dress with one part tahini, one part mayonnaise and one part white wine or cider vinegar. Mix everything together until the veg is well-coated. Sprinkle with toasted

sesame seeds, if you like.

Chicken satay-ish salad

Scatter sliced cucumber and spring onion, chopped lettuce and shredded chicken over a platter or plate. Mix peanut butter with lime juice and chilli sauce, then add enough water or coconut milk to make a drizzling consistenc­y. Drizzle the dressing over the salad and

serve immediatel­y.

Chicken & chunky guac salad

Toss tomato wedges with chopped avocado, sliced red onion, coriander leaves, sliced red chilli and shredded

chicken. Serve with tortilla chips.

 ??  ?? Look for this symbol on our shopping list on page 47
Look for this symbol on our shopping list on page 47

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