Good Food

Why you can trust good food


BBC Good Food is the UK’S No 1 food lifestyle media brand. We are passionate about food and cooking. While recipes are at the heart of what we do, we are committed to helping you have the best food experience you can, whether you’re shopping for food, in your kitchen or eating out in the UK or abroad. This is what we promise:

Biggest and best

We’re proud to be Britain’s biggest-selling food magazine and the UK’S No 1 food website, bbcgoodfoo­ Our contributo­rs – BBC chefs, our in-house cookery team and conˆident, outspoken columnists – are experts in their ˆields. Meet us at the UK’S biggest food shows (visit bbcgoodfoo­ for dates and details). Our best-selling cookbooks feature our trusted recipes – you’ll ˆind these in bookshops.

Recipes for everyone

There are at least 70 recipes in every issue – that’s more than any other food magazine in Britain. We always include quick, easy dishes, ideas for relaxed entertaini­ng and more challengin­g recipes for when you want to take your skills up a notch. Look out for our many easy recipes.

Tested and trusted

All our recipes are thoroughly tested by experts to ensure they’ll work for you. We put our gadgets through a rigorous testing process and carry out our taste tests fairly. Our restaurant and travel recommenda­tions have all been tried by one of us.


We care about the food we eat, the people who produce it and the e’ect this has on the world.

In our Test Kitchen, we use humanely reared British meats, high-welfare chicken and eggs and sustainabl­e ˆish whenever possible. We aim to help you avoid food waste, with advice on using leftovers.

Healthy eating

Every recipe is analysed by our Bant-registered nutritioni­st, so you can be informed when you choose what to eat. We ˆlag up vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free recipes. Find out more about our health philosophy on page 144.

Families and children

Families can need help to create harmonious mealtimes, so we address this by ˆlagging up ‘family’ recipes. We encourage children and teenagers to get cooking with recipes that help them to learn new skills. Find out more at bbcgoodfoo­

Eating like a local

One of the joys of travel – both in the UK and overseas – is discoverin­g great food. Our features are written from an insider perspectiv­e by on-the-ground writers and food and travel journalist­s.

Independen­t and respected

As you’d expect from a BBC brand, we are impartial and independen­t, so you can trust our advice and recommenda­tions on everything from restaurant­s and wine to kitchen gadgets and more. We encourage your input on your local ˆinds, and appreciate your feedback on our recommenda­tions.

Food is our passion and pleasure

We take food seriously, but we also believe it’s a pleasure to be enjoyed, whether cooking for the family, trying an unfamiliar ingredient, buying new products or eating out. We share our food discoverie­s and adventures with you – and love you to share the same with us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat.

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