Good Food



Palm oil

“Red, unrefined palm oil from West Africa. It’s done in small batches and has a delicious flavour that can’t be replicated. It’s used to fry, flavour or finish dishes, as you might use good olive oil.” (Check the label to ensure you’re using a sustainabl­e palm oil.)


“Boiled, fermented, salted and smoked sesame seeds. Ogiri intensifie­s savoury flavours and is used as a base seasoning in a variety of traditiona­l dishes. For example, if cooking sweet potato leaves, it goes in the pot first with the meat, palm oil and stock, so the ogiri cooks as the meat softens – that’s the base sauce.”


“From the leaves to the ‘lady finger’, we eat it in many ways. I like it finely sliced in stews.”


“I love plantain in all forms: from fried in the morning on a sandwich with onion, garlic and smoked fish sauce (like eating a chip butty!), to making ice cream with really ripe, dark, sweet plantains – the ones they’re almost giving away.”


“In Sierra Leone, red hibiscus is used to give ice lollies and party drinks a cranberry-like tartness. I also use it to make desserts and cure fish. It’s an amazing ingredient.”

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