Good Food

Beat the burn

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With the warmer spring weather, you’re probably already back in the garden, enjoying a bit of outdoor dining with your nearest and dearest. Of course, all that merriment can sometimes be the perfect recipe for heartburn, but the good news is, with Gaviscon Double Action by your side, you can help ensure your grill is the only thing feeling the burn.

Available in liquid, tablet and sachet form, Gaviscon Double Action offers dual relief. Not only does it neutralise excess stomach acid but it also creates a protective barrier over the stomach contents, helping to prevent acid reflux (when acid escapes back up the oesophagus and causes heartburn).

Plus, it gets to work instantly and can last up to four hours, which is twice as long as other antacids*. So, whatever you’re up to this spring, you can feel confident knowing Gaviscon Double Action will be there to help you enjoy more of the good times.


It’s really important to be able to recognise all the symptoms of heartburn and indigestio­n, so you know how to relieve them effectivel­y when they appear. Here are seven you should keep an eye out for:

1 Stomach discomfort Indigestio­n can often be caused by the acid in your stomach irritating the lining.

2 Throat burning Acid can sometimes travel higher, causing a burning feeling in your throat.

3 Chest burning One of the main symptoms of heartburn is a burning sensation in the middle of your chest.

4 Bad breath Repeated episodes of acid reflux may make your breath smell, due to the stomach acid coming back up.

5 Stomach burning Irritation in this area can cause a burning sensation.

6 Acid reflux This is when stomach acid travels back up towards the throat, causing heartburn.

7 Sour taste The stomach acid can leave an unpleasant sour taste in your mouth.

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