Benalla Ensign

Serious fans

- By Simon Ruppert

Benalla P-12 College years 10 and 11 VET Dance students and 12 Year 9 community service students recently had the opportunit­y to take part in The Rubber Soul Beatles Show at BPACC.

The show was presented as part of Senior Citizens week and the theatre was packed with some serious Beatles fans.

The Benalla students combined, and after only three rehearsals, put on an exciting rock and roll dance routine to the tune Twist and Shout, then danced among the crowd and finally, got the audience on its feet.

Students were then invited to join the band on stage . . . with ‘‘Paul’’ providing much encouragem­ent and posing for photos with them.

The students had been trained by Melinda Pentreath of Mel-o-drama Studio, who takes the Vet Dance class and the Year 9 Dance class at the college.

The students’ involvemen­t was organised by Christine Glynn and Stefanie Arendshors­t, who thanked everyone who helped to make it happen.

‘‘Thank you to Tracey Hooper and Jess Beaton from Community Health, and Benalla Bus Lines for sponsoring the transport and the students involved for their commitment to the community program,’’ Ms Arendshors­t said.

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