Benalla Ensign

Margaret Walshe


Margaret Walshe has lived in Benalla for 40 years.

Her working life in Benalla was employment with the previously known Regional Department of Health and Community Services. This service was based in Benalla but covered the North East and Goulburn regions of Victoria. The position also entailed reporting back to ZLUPVY OLHS[O VɉJPHSZ PU 4LSIV\YUL

In the early 1990s Margaret was responsibl­e for setting up services with local Health Department­s and local Government Services. Today we have Benalla Community Health Service which is the result of an HTHSNHTH[PVU VM ZLY]PJLZ [V ILULÄ[ [OL JSPLU[

Moving into retirement Margaret found her Nursing RUV^SLKNL PU]HS\HISL ^OLU [OL ÅVVKZ Z[Y\JR )LUHSSH in 1993. Familiar with Regional Displan (Disaster Plan) she recognised the need to register all evacuees who came into the relief centre using notebooks and pencils provided by the Benalla Police.

She tells a delightful story of bread being dropped from a helicopter and the Red Cross ladies making basic sandwiches of unbuttered bread with a slice of cheese enjoyed by the hungry residents who had left their homes during the night.

In 2002 Margaret and the late Helen Mitchell, who was an early President of U3A Benalla, held a U3A Benalla Health and Wellbeing in Later Life Seminar at St Joseph’s Hall in Benalla. 120 people attended. This was the basis for setting up U3A Lifeball, a sport designed to give appropriat­e exercise to older people; Singing

for Fun; Easy Walks and Mid Week Walks

These programs were an outcome of this seminar and continue today.

Margaret served on the U3A Benalla

Committee for

10 years.

Margaret was a member of the

Benalla Health Board of Management for

7 years after her retirement. No doubt

[OL )VHYK ILULÄ[[LK from her wide

5\YZPUN L_WLYPLUJL :OL MV\UK [OPZ WVZP[PVU M\SÄSSPUN working with fellow members of the Board.

In retirement Margaret enjoys the many and varied

U3A Benalla programs; visits to the Benalla Art Gallery; walking around the lake and a regular exercise program. Her philosophy is to get involved in the community, don’t give up and keep the mind and body active.

Thank you Margaret for a huge contributi­on to

Benalla and district.

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