Benalla Ensign




1 Gem weight

5 Goading device

9 Person under age

10 Greedy

11 Pouring aid

12 Girdle

13 Rescues

14 Examine

17 Bird

19 Competitor

21 Time periods

23 Refuses to admit 25 Female swan

26 Assail

27 Feline

28 Whirled

30 Get up

31 Snake

33 Festive occasions 34 Lo y

36 Blackboard support 37 Trees

38 Domesticat­ed

39 Disparagin­g remark 40 Excess in days of solar year over lunar year

41 Soapy lather

42 Tract of open land DOWN

2 Became visible

3 Entertains

4 Saturn’s largest satellite 5 Not intoxicate­d

6 Is in the chair

7 Climbing palm

8 Covers

15 Bring out

16 Samples

17 Iterate

18 Malicious destroyer

20 Animal doctor (abb) 22 Bought back

24 Relief

26 Resting place

29 Lazy persons

30 Tell

32 Utters gratingly

33 Go and return with

35 Skilful

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