Better Homes and Gardens (Australia)



Smartphone­s and other types of technology keep us connected in so many ways. But they can add an element of stress to our lives.

Instead of ‘checking in’, unplug, recharge and de-stress by spending quality time with your four-legged, whiskered friends!

Start your day relaxing with your pet – patting, grooming or playing. This will flood your brain with a feel-good hormone that may help reduce your blood pressure.

Stretching increases the blood flow to your muscles. Try yoga with your pet or deep-breathing mindfulnes­s exercises. Playing soothing and repetitive music can also be therapeuti­c.

Want to get more active? Take your pooch to the park for a game of fetch or a brisk walk, which will spark the nerve cells in the brain, relax the senses and dull feelings of stress, anxiety and depression. So, enjoy the benefits of regular ‘unplugged’ time together!

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