Better Homes and Gardens (Australia)



11 12 planting

If planting more than one tree peony, space at least a metre apart to ensure good air flow. Plant po ed tree and Itoh peonies in autumn. Dig a hole twice the width of the pot and a li le deeper. Remove plant from pot, gently tease out the roots and put in the hole. Plant a tree peony with 12-15cm of soil covering the gra. Backfill, then water in well. The roots of herbaceous peonies don’t like to be disturbed, so start with their bare-rooted rhizomes in autumn. Dig a hole 60 x 60cm and make a soil mound at the bo om to about 2-4cm below the garden surface. Place rhizome on the mound with the eyes, or buds, facing up. Backfill, lightly press down soil, and water. If the rhizomes look a li le dry when you get them, soak them overnight.


Don’t fertilise in spring, as you risk burning new growth. Instead, give herbaceous peonies a well-balanced fertiliser in late winter and again in summer aer the flowers have gone. For tree peonies, feed in winter and late spring with a fertiliser low in nitrogen but high in phosphorus and potassium.


Peonies don’t like water hanging around their roots and, as they mature, they become reasonably drought-resistant. But they need regular watering during their first summer and during long, hot, dry periods.


Peonies are deep rooted, so don’t do well in containers.

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