Better Homes and Gardens (Australia)



and mark holes in brackets on bricks with your drill.

STEP 4 Drill holes for green wall plugs using a 6.5mm masonry drill bit. Insert plugs, then screw brackets to the wall using 50mm screws.

STEP 5 Sit pieces for bench on brackets and make join at corner tight. If your bench crosses a window, as here, measure and cut an infill piece to go between the bench and the window and join to main bench using screws drilled on an angle through underside. Reposition bench pieces and then predrill and screw across join to hold together. Screw a flat mending plate to underside of join to provide extra support.

STEP 6 Screw up through brackets into bench using 40mm screws.

STEP 7 Drill plug and screw infill piece at window into bricks below.

STEP 8 Apply 2 coats of clear exterior finish to bench timber with a paintbrush. Allow to dry a’er each coat.

 ??  ?? STEP 2
 ??  ?? STEP 1

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