Better Homes and Gardens (Australia)



SLuminous, healthy, radiant – this is skin you’ll want to show off right now

taying out of the sun is smart but there’s no need to spend your spring and summer looking pale and pasty. Turning up your glow factor is easy, whether you’re in your 30s, 40s, 50s or 60+.

Here’s how

Where to get started? Well, even though you’re not going for the super tanned look, you’ll still need to start with self-tanner. But we’re not talking about the old-school versions. Gradual tanners have less DHA (the ingredient which reacts with your skin to

turn it brown) and more hydration to boost your skin tone, rather than deepen it. They give just enough colour to soften stretch marks, unevenness and cellulite. Another bonus is they won’t leave obvious streaks if you do miss a spot.

Get the look Follow these simple steps to being a radiant beauty by day, yes you, and a glowing beauty by night. The di€erence is subtle, but gorgeous, just the way you want it.

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