Better Homes and Gardens (Australia)



Send your spirits soaring high with this spectacula­r hanging garden, made from simple PVC pipe.

Gather your supplies

• 150mm x 1m PVC pipe

• 100mm x 1m PVC pipe

• 1 threaded access coupling and cap to suit each pipe

• 1 end cap to suit each pipe

• 50mm U bolts (2)

• Po ing mix

• Plants of your choice

• Sphagnum moss

• Chain

• Screw hooks (2)

You’ll also need PVC cement; scissors; cardboard; marker; mini hacksaw; file; sanding sponge; drill; 5mm drill bit; plastic primer spray paint; black spray paint; 25mm spade bit Here’s how

STEP 1 Use PVC cement to a ach 1 threaded access coupling to end of each pipe. This will become the top of the planters.

STEP 2 Cut templates out of cardboard to mark out windows for plants on pipes. For larger PVC pipe, make cardboard 100 x 75mm; for smaller pipe 75 x 50mm.

STEP 3 Using stencilled writing on pipes as a guide, mark places for 5 windows with templates, alternatin­g them either side of writing and spacing evenly apart.

STEP 4 Use mini hacksaw to cut out windows in pipes.

STEP 5 Use a file to smooth cuts in pipes and round out edges. Finish with a sanding sponge around all cuts to make smooth.

STEP 6 Drill drainage holes in end caps using a 5mm drill bit. Use cement to glue cap to bo om end of pipes.

STEP 7 Apply a coat of primer to threaded caps and planters. Allow to dry. Follow with 2-3 coats of black spray paint. Also paint U bolts and chain you’ll use to hang planters.

STEP 8 Drill holes in threaded access caps to suit diameter of U bolts. Space holes so bolts are centred on caps. A ach U bolts to caps.

STEP 9 Fill pipes with po ing mix to first window, insert plants, then pack with moss to hold. Water plants to bed in. Repeat process up both pipes.

STEP 10 Use a 25mm spade bit to drill large holes in threaded caps for ongoing watering. Screw threaded caps to the tops.

STEP 11 Determine your hanging positions and a ach screw hooks to ceiling for planters. Hooks must go into ceiling joists as there will be some weight in the planters once watered. Cut chain to twice length required, loop through U bolts and a ach to screw hooks.

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