Better Homes and Gardens (Australia)



Growing medium Use a quality citrus potting mix to ensure good drainage. Replace growing medium every 2-3 years.

WATERING Water until it starts to run into the saucer, then suck up the water in the saucer with a turkey baster so it doesn’t spill on the floor. Allow mix to dry out between watering, as the roots hate damp and can develop root rot.

Feeding Feed monthly with a quality organic granular citrus fertiliser. Follow the instructio­ns on the packet as the growth of your tree slows down in winter.

Light Place your tree in the sunniest spot in your home – facing north is best so it can enjoy the sun all day. Get a grow light if there isn’t enough bright, natural light, but set it up about 45cm from the tree so the leaves don’t burn, and turn it off at night so your tree can rest.

Climate Citrus trees are tropical or sub-tropical, so love warmth. They also adore a bit of humidity. Indoor heating can dry out the air, so mist the air around the tree daily or place a bowl of pebbles – or colourful marbles – filled with water close to your heat source to increase the moisture within your room.

Pests and diseases Being indoors is not natural for citrus trees so they will get stressed, increasing the likelihood of attacks by pests and diseases. Check the leaves daily for scale, spider mites and fungus gnats. If their leaves start to drop, that’s the first indication of root rot, so ease up on the watering.

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