Better Homes and Gardens (Australia)

The guy’s guide to health


Your decade-by-decade overview of key tests and lifestyle tweaks

Men really are less likely than women to go to the doctor – and many don’t get annual check-ups. So if a guy you love is part of that group (or you’re one of those guys), get him on board with our decade-by-decade guide to key tests and lifestyle tweaks check-up list 20S – 30S BLOOD PRESSURE

Have your blood pressure (BP) checked at least every two years, from age 18. If it’s high, you’re at greater risk of a heart aack or stroke. As a guide, 120/80 is classed as optimal. The top figure refers to your heart pushing blood into the arteries and the lower figure is when the heart is relaxed. If your numbers are up, talk to your doctor about diet and exercise changes; even a small blood pressure increase in young adulthood can lead to heart damage by middle age.

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