Better Homes and Gardens (Australia)



Li le grows up a metal fence, but a lightweigh­t mesh and timber frame lodged near it creates a harvest heaven.

Gather your supplies

• 90 x 90mm treated pine posts

• 150mm galvanised ba en screws

• Reinforcin­g mesh

• Mesh clips

You’ll also need Circular saw; drill; long 5mm drill bit; tape measure; post hole shovel

For you to know

• Because the screens won’t bear much weight, and the adjacent fence offers shelter from the wind, the posts don’t need to be set deep in the ground or concreted in.

• You don’t need the top of the frame, but it gives the structure extra stability.

Here’s how

STEP 1 Using a circular saw, cut treated pine to lengths required for your frame.

STEP 2 Lay timber out on flat surface to create a three-sided rectangula­r arch with bu joins.

STEP 3 Predrill frame using a long 5mm bit, then screw together with ba en screws.

STEP 4 A ach mesh to back of frame using mesh clips, leaving a 300mm space at the bo om.

STEP 5 Measure width of frame and use a post hole shovel to dig 300mm deep holes for posts, 150mm off fence to allow for aeration.

STEP 6 Position frame in holes and fill in soil firmly.

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