Better Homes and Gardens (Australia)

Savvy ways to change your career

Had enough of your job? Follow these tips from workplace experts


DO A SKILLS AUDIT Workplace expert Michelle Gibbings ( au) says you need to look at the gap between the skills you have and those needed in your new career. Next, work out how to close that gap via informal or formal learning, on-the-job training or coaching. “Learning is crucial to future career success. Always be alert to new ideas and find ways to stretch yourself,” she says.

EYE GROWTH SECTORS When changing careers, look to an industry where workers are in demand. Current growth sectors include health, education, tech and constructi­on. To see where skills you’ve built in one job might point towards another role or industry, try the Skills Match tool on the federal government’s Job Outlook site. Visit career-tools/skills-match.

GET CONNECTED A job referral from someone you know can be worth its weight in gold, especially in setting you up favourably for an interview. So target friends or acquaintan­ces in your desired industry and network; they can also give you the inside word on upcoming jobs. Read up on the industry you plan to move into, as well, and join any related Linkedin pages to grow your network.

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