Better Homes and Gardens (Australia)



Sedums come in hundreds of varieties, all in di erent sizes and colours that change throughout the seasons, so there are myriad ways these succulents can enliven your outdoors. Use them as expansive groundcove­rs to turn your path into a colourful carpet. Put them in rockeries or through cracks in stone walls. Or, exploit them as quick spreaders to fill up bare spots in your flowerbeds, shooting up flowering stems that look perfectly at home with traditiona­l perennials. Wherever you put them, they will give you so much more than you give them!

Aspect Full sun.

Climate Cold temperate, warm temperate, arid, semi-arid, sub-tropical and tropical.

Water Light to moderate (they’re hardy and drought tolerant). Water in new plants a couple of times a week for the first few weeks to encourage root growth.

Soil Well-drained. They thrive in lean, gravelly soil in a rock garden and on sunny slopes.

Planting In spring, summer or early autumn to allow them time to se le into the soil before winter.

Food Fertiliser isn’t necessary.

Mulch Spread inorganic mulch such as pebbles, or organic mulch, around but not touching the stems of plants to conserve soil moisture and keep soil temperatur­e even. Pruning Remove spent flower clusters with hand snips. Pests and diseases With plenty of light, good soil drainage and judicious watering, sedums are practicall­y care-free plants.


You can replace a cracked, broken path with clean, sleek pavers, or add character and vibrancy instead with the golden flowers of Sedum acre and the burgundy-toned leaves of sempervivu­ms. The combinatio­n turns something quite ragged into a passage worthy of royalty!

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