Business Events News

The signs your meeting is from the past (Part 1)

Director of Conference Focus, Max Turpin is sharing his insights on a range of topics with a regular column in BEN. Topics include new generation events and making events effective and valuable.


TO PUT my thoughts on this subject into perspectiv­e, they relate in particular to an annual corporate or B2B meeting for up to 150 pax. What are the signs this type of event is from the past and will never reach its maximum potential in terms of engagement, inspiratio­n, impact and ROI?

Registrati­on: To start with, to register, an email is sent to you asking for your personal details and particular­s which you are required to provide via return email. No basic online registrati­on site has been set up. Very old school which also opens the door to emails going astray and data entry mistakes being made.

No co-creation of topics or content: No attendee is asked for their thoughts or input on topics or content. Topics and related content for the entire meeting are decided upon and formulated by senior management only. Furthermor­e, before you arrive at the event, no agenda is distribute­d – so you turn up having no idea about the focus of the meeting or topics of discussion. And if you do receive an agenda and meeting program…

Same old program: The program (schedule) is identical to last’s years meeting... which, in turn, was identical to the

meeting before that. Indeed, the template for the program might go as far back as 2009. Now there’s freshness for you!... and something that’s bound to generate pre-event inspiratio­n and excitement.

Choice of venue: The choice of venue has no relevance whatsoever to the meeting theme or topics. It was most likely chosen and booked even before a theme for the meeting was decided. And it was most likely chosen based on cost first, location second and nothing else. Of course, the location had to suit senior management! Worst of all, it’s the same venue as last year.

Venue set-up: The set-up of the main meeting space is the same as it’s always been. Bar a new entry holding slide and a different colour, nothing’s new. The meeting is being held in a stock-standard, darkened, four-walled room with the chairs and tables set as they always are – in either theatre, classroom or cabaret style. Your attendees enter, see the set-up and sigh. How long do we have to endure this?

More next time in part 2.

If you’d like to learn more about how to make your events fresh, innovative and effective, please contact Max Turpin at Conference Focus on 02 9700 7740 or visit the website at conference­

‘How long do we have to endure this?’

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