Business Events News



EVENTSAIR has given more than 1,000 event planners a taste of the new threedimen­sional graphical experience available in its OnAIR v5, after hosting a series of global online bootcamps late last month.

The 90-minute handson previews were hosted for attendees in the APAC, EMEA and Americas regions, showing them the basics of creating and configurin­g each aspect of a 3D OnAIR event.

The first step in the new event journey is the “event lobby” (pictured) where delegates spend a few moments setting up AIRTouch Personal Devices which act as virtual tablets to help navigate through the event.

The lobby is fully customisab­le with videos, clickable links, scrolling schedules and personalis­ed messages, and with attendees then able to visit the auditorium which can also display sponsor advertisin­g, session schedules, clickable informatio­n links and more.

Function rooms, breakout areas and other venues can be styled using 3D themes, while bootcamp attendees were also able to customise their own exhibition halls including a search function to make it easy to add stands - which can even feature brochure racks linked to downloadab­le collateral.

Exhibitors are able to interact via text chats or video meetings, conduct presentati­ons and have their stands fully branded.

The company said it had received overwhelmi­ngly positive feedback from the hands-on preview, with free personalis­ed demonstrat­ions of the software now available to interested parties.

For more informatio­n see

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