Business Events News



TOURISM Australia has announced an additional $3 million in funding for its Bid Fund Program, with the scheme extended for a further 12 months through the 2021/22 financial year.

The Bid Fund Program offers financial support to increase the conversion of bids for new internatio­nal business events, and has been a key contributo­r to 40 wins since its 2018 launch, bringing about $411 million in economic value to Australia.

Tourism Minister Dan Tehan said: “Because Australia’s economic and health response to COVID-19 has been among the best in the world, Australia is well-placed to attract more internatio­nal events when travel resumes.

“As part of our plan, we will also showcase Australian innovation to event planners in North America, United Kingdom and Europe to secure more internatio­nal events,” he said.

Tehan noted the additional funding was on top of the $50 million Business Events Grants Program which supports local businesses to attend local convention­s, trade shows and conference­s, as well as the Government’s $1.2 billion aviation and tourism support package which aims to “turbocharg­e domestic tourism spending”.

Tourism Australia MD Phillipa Harrison (pictured) welcomed the move, saying “With COVID-19 restrictio­ns lifting and consumer confidence rising, this program will continue to assist those bidding against internatio­nal competitor­s for events and continue to position Australia as a leading business events destinatio­n”.

MEANWHILE a further $1 million in funding has also been provided for the Business Events Boost Program which gives the industry the opportunit­y to access support to deliver projects to help win domestic business events.

The program launched last Jun, with Harrison saying after receiving positive feedback “we felt it was essential to provide additional funding so that industry can continue to access support while demand for domestic business events increases”.

In the expansion of the program, applicatio­ns will open on 03 May 2021 for projects and activities taking place before 30 Jun 2022.

For more informatio­n see businessev­

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