Business Events News



ARINEX has released a new “essential 101 checklist” for event organisers interested in digital and hybrid events, warning that the plethora of new solutions in the market are in many cases not backed with vital industry experience.

The move comes alongside the launch of eMeeting, a new multi-functional platform developed by Arinex’s technology partner eTechSuite.

The virtual events platform has been born from an increasing demand for online meetings due to the inability to meet face-to-face in 2020, with eTechSuite leveraging its years of research and industry experience to create the new online solution.

“The marketplac­e has been bombarded with an abundance of new technology providers who all claim they have the best technology for delivering conference­s or events, but sadly many are likely to disappear just as quickly,” claimed eTechSuite CEO Nicole Walker.

She said while digital streaming technology was not new, it had now become essential in connecting people globally and delivering virtual and hybrid events.

Walker warned that while it was essential to select the right digital platform, also key was the choice of the Digital Conference Organiser to help run the online event.

“The platform can be incredible, but if the Digital Conference Organiser is not an events specialist it can be a minefield... expertise is needed to understand what suits your needs and budget to avoid additional costs for standard features and ensure it is the right fit,” she said.

A video showcasing the new Arinex solution is now available by CLICKING HERE, while the eTechSuite checklist is online at

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