Business Events News



THE Victorian State Budget handed down last week has helped provide certainty for the Melbourne Convention Bureau and Business Events Victoria, allocating combined funding of $42.913 million over four years.

Melbourne Convention Bureau (MCB) will receive $41 million, with CEO Julia Swanson saying the commitment was recognitio­n of the “essential role business events play in the Victorian visitor economy, and their contributi­on to innovation, job creation, trade and investment opportunit­ies, for the benefit of the whole community”.

She said the investment would boost MCB’s presence in the national business event space, allowing for a greater focus targeting short lead-time events.

Swanson noted that MCB had continued to work to secure high yield events for the city out to 2028, while the organisati­on is currently managing bids worth $547 million with the potential to contribute 254,000 room nights to Melbourne.

Meanwhile on a smaller scale, Business Events Victoria (BEV) will receive a four-year allocation of $1.7 million to continue its work in attracting business events to regional parts of the state, with the organisati­on’s Executive Officer, Chris Porter, saying the announceme­nt allows BEV to ensure its continued long-term strategic planning.

However he added that BEV would “continue to strongly advocate for additional funding to support the ongoing attraction of business events in regional Victoria, through a Business Events Support Fund”.

Porter said this would ensure the state’s regional areas are competitiv­e with other destinatio­ns across the country which already provide significan­t financial support.

“We see the Business Events Support Fund as being a critical missing element to ensuring that regional Victoria remains competitiv­e in attracting these national business events, both now and into the future.”

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