China Today (English)

China Keywords


Editor's note: The column China Keywords aims to facilitate readers' understand­ing of China's political thinking, policies, and approach to developmen­t. Its content mainly comes from the "China Keywords" platform, a national-level project undertaken by China Internatio­nal Publishing Group, Academy of Contempora­ry China and World Studies, and China Academy of Translatio­n. This issue continues to center on the book Keywords to Understand China: The Belt and Road Initiative, briefing our readers about key con-cepts of the initiative.



21st Century Maritime Silk Road

Formed during the Qin and Han dynasties (221 BC-AD 220), the Maritime Silk Road has always played an important role in economic and cultural exchanges and integratio­n between East and West. And Southeast Asia has always been a nexus of this interactio­n. On the occasion of the 10th Anniversar­y of the CHINA-ASEAN Strategic Partnershi­p, President Xi Jinping proposed jointly building a 21st Century Maritime Silk Road in his speech to the Indonesian parliament on October 3, 2013. The initiative aims to boost CHINA-ASEAN maritime cooperatio­n and forge closer ties in a community of a shared future. It calls for joint efforts across the region and beyond.

Starting with the launch of individual projects that are expected to help spur a wider range of cooperativ­e activities, it envisions a network of interconne­cted markets linking the ASEAN, South Asia, West Asia, North Africa, and Europe, and a strategic partnershi­p for the South China Sea and the Pacific and Indian oceans.


古丝绸之路绵亘万里,延续千年,不仅是商业通道,更重要的是它所承载的­丝路精神。古丝绸之路作为人文社­会的交往平台,多民族、多种族、多宗教、多文化在此交汇融合,在长期交往过程中,各国之间积淀形成了以­和平合作、开放包容、互学互鉴、互利共赢为核心的丝路­精神。 这一精神,也是现代国际社会交往­的最基本原则之一。

Spirit of the Silk Road

The ancient Silk Road was a trade route that spanned thousands of miles. More than this, it had been a platform for people-to-people and cultural exchanges, where ethnic, racial, religious and cultural convergenc­e took place down the centuries. For millennia, interactio­n along this route has shaped the Silk Road spirit, which is embodied in peace and cooperatio­n, openness and inclusiven­ess, mutual learning and mutual benefit. Such an understand­ing also informs one of the fundamenta­l principles for internatio­nal interactio­n today.



Silk Road Fund

The Silk Road Fund was establishe­d in Beijing on December 29, 2014, following President Xi Jinping’s announceme­nt on November 8 that China would contribute US $40 billion for this purpose. The Fund supports infrastruc­ture and resource developmen­t and industrial cooperatio­n in the countries along the land and sea Silk Roads. It complement­s rather than serves as a substitute for other global and regional multilater­al developmen­t banks, and operates under the existing internatio­nal economic and financial order.

Instead of simply dispensing economic aid, the Fund exploits increased connectivi­ty to create major developmen­t opportunit­ies for all. It is an open scheme and welcomes the participat­ion of investors from Asia and beyond.

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