China Today (English)

Nature Reserves Along the Yellow River Well Managed


The latest assessment by the National Forestry and Grassland Administra­tion shows that 82 national nature reserves along the Yellow River are generally well managed.

According to the results of the assessment, 40.2 percent of protected wildlife saw their living conditions markedly improved. Vegetation coverage remained stable or had expanded in more than 89 percent of the areas being assessed. Ecological functions of water and soil conservati­on and carbon sequestrat­ion in these areas were enhanced. Wetland degradatio­n at the lower reaches of the Yellow River is being alleviated.

The assessment also exposed some issues that need to be addressed, such as susceptibi­lity of eco-systems to human impact and flaws with the ecological compensati­on mechanism.

The 82 nature reserves are home to 24 percent of the country’s wild animal species and 14 percent of plant species under state protection.

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