Classic Ford



I thought I would share my classic Ford with you: it is a 1980-model children’s go-kart. These were built in the Ford factory at Dagenham during the early ’80s, and passed to the dealers, who mainly gave them to customers instead of a discount on a new car.

As I remember the story, the government introduced theYouth Opportunit­ies Scheme (YOP) in the late ’70s and was expanded in 1980 by theThatche­r government, later to be replaced by theYouthTr­aining Scheme (YTS).The idea being that factories, shops and offices were encouraged to take on young people to train, while being paid by the government.

Ford took their share but were criticised that they would be using free labour to build new cars. Further, Ford were concerned that they were using non-skilled labour to build their cars. So a programme was devised where the trainees were put to work building the carts, from plans on an assembly line, thereby learning hand skills useful for progress into future work.

This one is the deluxe model with an adjustable seat position. It has been well-used by my children and their friends with many crashes into kerbs, fences and hedges, and it would benefit from an overhaul. There was a sticker on the side giving the details, however years of abuse and Scottish weather has worn this away. Part of the Ford oval is visible on the label in front of the rear wheel. At nearly 40 years old, it’s lasted well and still has the original chord for the steering, though the trailer pin is missing at present.

This is now being passed to our third generation with my grandson making use of it. Gordon Macleod Email


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