Classics World

Garage Door Lock

Make your garage or lockup doubly secure, for less than £30.

- WORDS and photograph­y by Eric Richardson

While modern cars are becoming increasing­ly harder to steal, sadly it seems that barely a week goes by without a story appearing on social media of someone’s beloved classic being stolen. While you can fit immobilise­rs and trackers, the first step is to delay any determined thief in getting to the car, thereby increasing the chances that they will be disturbed, or draw attention to themselves in their attempts to gain access to your garage. While up and over garages are a great space saving design, they have to be, by the nature of their operation, of a relatively lightweigh­t constructi­on. While ensuring you have a five lever lock on the garage door is the first step in security, the addition of some robust, hidden, locks is an easy morning’s work to ensure that your classic, or even some of your precious tools, stay where they are meant to be – in your possession.

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