Classics World



I recently noticed the rear of my 1982 Metro dropping slightly. I do have a friend with a hydrolasti­c suspension pump that has kindly pumped it up again for me, but it is now dropping again.

While examining the rear suspension, I discovered that the rear pipe connecting the suspension units has corroded through and is allowing the pressurise­d liquid to seep out.

I’m not able to source replacemen­t pipes, could you advise on where they may be available?

Roy Christie

The pipes can be replaced using standard 3/16 brake pipe and unions. You should before disconnect­ing the old pipes ensure that the vehicle is properly supported and that the pressure has been released from the system.

Measuring the old pipe using a length of cord will mean that you should be able to correctly assess the length of any new pipe required. Once cut and with the unions fitted and the ends flared, the contours of the pipe can be gently formed using the old pipe as a pattern.

After fitting the new pipe into place, the system can be pumped up and the unions checked for any leaks.

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