Classics World



The Lake District has once again been voted the UK’s top road trip location in research conducted by leading fuel brand, JET. 1250 UK drivers were asked to rank their favourite UK road trips, with just over one fifth (22%) voting for the Cumbrian national park as their favourite destinatio­n and no less than 56% voting it into their top three, showing that the lakes and breath-taking roads that often hug the water’s edge continue to beguile UK drivers. And while you could be forgiven for thinking that the romantic lure of the Lakes is lost on the young, think again! Gen Z drivers (18-24) were the most enthusiast­ic about the Lake District road trip, with one- quarter voting it into the top spot and an unequivoca­l 59% voting it into their top three.

The drive from Devon to Cornwall, ranked in second place this year, with the Peak District taking third place. Other popular road trip destinatio­ns included the North Coast 500 in fourth, North Yorkshire Moors/ Road to Whitby in fifth and the Cotswolds in sixth. The area around Stone Henge poked in at seventh, Snowdonia to Anglesey eighth, the Scottish Borders between Northumber­land and Edinburgh ninth and the Norfolk Coast came tenth.

While drivers across all age groups were unanimous in their top choice of the Lake District, there was less agreement when it came to other favoured UK road trips. 18– 24 year olds selected Devon to Cornwall as their second choice with The Peak District, Stone Henge/Cotswolds and North Coast 500 as their next most popular locations. In contrast, the over 65s voted for an arguably more adventurou­s mix with the North Coast 500 as their second pick, the North Yorkshire Moors in third, Devon to Cornwall fourth and Snowdonia to Anglesey in fifth.

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