Computer Music

> Step by step

4. Splitting the bass into low and high parts for processing


1 Splitting a bass sound into two bands allows us to add modulation, stereo width and distortion to the high part while retaining a solid low end. Import Backing.wav, Growl.wav and Bass.wav from the Tutorial FIles folder. Turn the Bass and Growl’s volume faders down until both are silent – we’ll process them via sends instead.

2 Create two blank stereo return channels. We’ll send both the Growl and Bass channels to both of these returns, using pre-fader sends of 0dB. Name FX1 Sub and FX2 Mid/High to avoid confusion later on. We’ll start by processing the Sub channel first – add an instance of Soundtoys Decapitato­r to it, then mute the other FX send.

3 We’ll use Decapitato­r to ‘solidify’ the sub while retaining harmonics in the low mids. Turn on Punish mode and change the Style to E to give us some EMImodelle­d saturation. Next, set the Tone to Dark with the High Cut filter at 1kHz. We’ll use DDMF’s LP10 CM to roll off some high frequencie­s at 300Hz. To prevent phase distortion, we’ll use the FlexLP model.

4 Mute the low send and unmute the mid/high one before inserting NI’s Guitar Rig 5 on it. We can use a few modules chained together to add some tearing distortion and stereo effects. Start with the Mulholland Drive distortion unit, with the Wet/Dry at 10% before adding an LFO from the Modulation section – we’ll use this to modulate the distortion.

5 Assign the LFO to the distortion’s Drive (drag the ‘LFO’ window onto the Drive dial). Right-click the Drive dial and set the amount to 26%, then change the LFO’s shape to Saw Up and its Rate to 1.39Hz. This moves the Drive for an aggressive, tearing sound. After this, add a Stoned Phaser to bring out the modulation already present in the sound.

6 Add some high-frequency bite by hitting the phaser’s Colour button. After this processing, we’ll need to filter the mid/high channel to avoid frequency clashes with the sub channel. Add an LP10 with a FlexHP filter at 300Hz ( 18dB/oct) and unmute the Sub FX send. You’ll hear the two sends come together as one, with a full low end and phased, distorted highs.

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