Computer Music

Mini Reviews

- Web Format Mac/PC, VST/AU/AAX/Standalone

Deviating from the concert grand tack, the latest in Synthogy's series of massively multisampl­ed pianos comprises the Steinway B and Bösendorfe­r 225 – thoroughbr­ed 7' studio performers both. Steinway invited the developers to their factory to choose the specific Model B used (which was then recorded at Power Station New England), while the 225 is resident at Firehouse Studios, Pasadena, where it's been tickled by countless LA sessioneer­s. Together, the two libraries weigh in at an epic 112GB. The last time we looked at Ivory II was in 189, when American Concert D scored 10/10. With the release of Studio Grands, the engine has been upgraded to v2.5, adding a handful of new features. The biggest is Shimmer, which enables tweaking of the decay rate of higher sustain harmonics, shortening and lengthenin­g them for – in simple terms – a brighter or duller sound. Adjustable Half Pedaling controls, compatibil­ity with MIDI CC88 High Resolution Velocity, MIDI controller support for the Mac standalone version, and iLokfree authorisat­ion are less exciting but all welcome.

The Ivory II interface gives plenty of sound-shaping control, from editable resonance and lid position to key and pedal noise, dynamic range and stereo width, and there's even a simple onboard synth should you, for some reason, fancy layering in a cheesy pad sound. EQ, chorus and reverb are on tap in the Effects page, while thehe Session page grants access to a similarly comprehens­ive mprehensiv­e range of performanc­e-related parameters, including pitching, velocity responsesp­onse and the aforementi­on Half Pedaling controls.ontrols.

Ivory II Studio Grands boasts ts four more velocity layers than previous entries in the series, for a total of 24, upping the playabilit­y and realism even further than before. Both pianos sound absolutely magnificen­t, and contrast well with each other – the raw Bosendorfe­r being the weightier of the two, the Steinway having the brighter sound. Another fine addition to the Ivory II line-up, but isn't it about time that noughties-style GUI got a makeover?

 ??  ?? £219

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