Computer Music

What’s the one feature you’d add to your favourite DAW?


Louis Briggs

“Being able to nest track groups within others in Ableton Live. I know it’s coming in the next version – not a moment too soon!”

Nicolò KapaMorask­i Angellaro

“I’d like to have a sample manager in FL Studio. They did a wonderful job with the plugin manager, which lets you customise your plugin categories.”

Babis Trihos

“I would like to play a riff or a melody line, and have the DAW accompany live, or suggest some styles.”

Omri Cohen

“I’m recording my piano pieces with a VST instrument, but I don’t play to a click, so I would love to have a feature that tries its best to convert the MIDI notes to sheet music, even though it’s not sitting on the grid...”

David Åhlund

“Lane and take recording and comping in Ableton Live.”

Dan Clarke

“Logic Pro needs to be able to make a 32-bit audio render with no dither or truncation.”

Tom Coxen

“I would be happy if Pro Tools was able to interpret MIDI sustain correctly.”

Stuart Carter

“Better two-monitor support!”

Morda Burda

“I would like to have tabbed projects in FL Studio, so I can open more than one project in one program. Then it would be easier to copy and paste different parts from one project to another, including all automation and plugins.”

Omid ZN

“A global pitch control would be really handy in any DAW. As a Studio One user, I would like to compose in any key I’m comfortabl­e with, and worry about the pitch later on. With a click of a button, the whole project could be pitched up or down!”

Joey Luck

“I wish Reason had multitimbr­al/ MPE support so that it could fully support controller­s like the ROLI Seaboard Block.”

Andy Buchanan

“I would like Reason to incorporat­e MIDI routing, just like they route Audio and CV. The inability to treat MIDI as any other signal severely limits the scope of what’s possible, particular­ly with regard to working with multiple external hardware units.”

Neil Langley

“I would like to see a feature in Cubase that looks at multiple takes of the same audio part – for backing vocals, say – and aligns them all automatica­lly. This would avoid the tedious process of editing!”

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