Computer Music

> Step by step

4. Setting up macro assignment­s that matter


1 We’ll load up Xfer Serum and the Pads

» PD D_Pad 2 preset from the synth’s factory library. To trigger the preset, we’ve

A# recorded a sustained MIDI chord in min. Macro 1 (labelled Filter) is already mapped to filter Cutoff. To make things more expressive and ‘playable’, we right-click and map this macro to one of our MIDI controller’s knobs via MIDI Learn.

2 Let’s also use this macro to wind up filter ‘wobble’ speed. We drag LFO 1’ s mod ‘crosshair’ to the filter Cutoff frequency knob – LFO 1 now wiggles filter frequency. Drag the Cutoff’s mod ring down to reduce mod amount to 38. Next, detoggle LFO 1’s BPM switch, then drag Macro 1’s mod ring over to LFO 1’s Rate knob to assign it.

3 Over on the FX page, the Reverb module is already engaged – pull Mix down to around 15%, then tell Macro 2 to control reverb Mix and Size. After that, we turn on Delay, change Time to 1/16 for both Left and Right channels, then direct Macro 2 to the delay’s Mix. A quick twist of Macro 2 now transforms the sound into a wash of ambience.

4 Next, flip on the Filter FX effect, set it to a 24dB/oct high-pass filter ( High 24 mode), and direct Macro 3 to control its Cutoff. Once Macro 2 (renamed to FX Mix) is increased, we can sweep the ambient ‘wash’ out to thin air using Macro 3 (labelled High Pass) – ideal for some trippy transition­s!

5 Back on the main Osc page, let’s make things more twisted by using Macro 4 to detune both oscillator­s via their Fine controls. Elsewhere in this patch, the frequency of Osc B is being modulated by Osc A, so we assign Macro 4 to Osc B’s Warp knob to sweep this open. We rename Macro 4 to Detune FM.

6 With our quartet of macros set up, we also assign 2, 3 and 4 to MIDI rotaries. Their names give them relevance when we revisit this patch another time – remember to save your preset! We then proceed to automate all four macros, transformi­ng the sound from a warm pad to a gritty FM-style tone.

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