Computer Music

> Step by step

5. Building an eight-knob powersynth from scratch in Ableton Live


1 Here in Live 10, we kick things off by loading an Instrument Rack on a new MIDI Track, then calling up an instance of u-he Diva inside the rack. We call up the MK Bass Pack Leader preset and record in a moody synth melody in the key of Amin. This first patch will provide the low end and ‘body’ to our overall sound.

2 In the Instrument Rack’s Chain List, we hold Alt and click and drag down on the first chain to duplicate the Diva instance to a second Chain. In this second Diva instance, we call up MK 90s Rave Minor patch from the Lead section. We add an EQ Eight in this chain, then sweep away low frequencie­s below 100Hz.

3 Next, duplicate this second lead synth’s Chain along with its EQ Eight. In this third layer, we call up the Percussive >> HS Kit 1 preset: a synthetic tom sound that adds a punchy transient and white noise. After naming each Chain to Bass, Lead and Top, we’re ready to assign the Rack’s eight macros.

4 On Bass Chain, click Unfold Device

Parameters and toggle Configure. In Diva, click cutoff Frequency to add it into the Device Parameters list. By rightclick­ing on the Frequency control here, we Map to Macro 1. Repeat for the other synth layers, so the three cutoff frequencie­s are controlled by Macro 1. 5 Similarly, assign all three Divas’ filter Resonance to Macro 2. Within both the Lead and Top Divas, the Plate 1 effect is active: we direct their Wet controls to Macro 3, creating a Reverb macro. Assign the Top synth’s Plate 1 Decay to the same Macro 3 for a longer, more dramatic reverb space when Macro 3 is cranked up. 6 Diva does have a delay effect, but we can integrate some of Live’s native devices into our multilayer­ed synth for more control. Add Ping Pong Delay to the

Lead layer. After tweaking settings, we paste this device to the Top synth’s Chain. Leaving the Bass layer delay-free will keep our low end clean and uncluttere­d. 7 We assign the Dry/Wet of both Ping Pong Delays to Macro 4 – as it’s a native device, we can simply right-click on the parameter and select Map to Macro 4. From here, it’s a case of deciding which parameters will be useful to access from our eight-knob synth’s Macro panel… 8 Assign the Bass & Lead synths’ Waveform to Macro 5 – we can now switch through oscillator waveforms. For hands-on amp envelope tweaking, map the Decay of all three synths to Macro 6, and Sustain to Macro 7. Drop identical Overdrive devices onto all three layers for crunch, then map Dry/Wet to Macro 8.

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