Computer Music

> Step by step

9. Extreme tempo modulation in Live


1 Repeated builds are even more dramatic with extreme tempo automation. In Live, go to Master and choose the Mixer and Song Tempo options. Then set the values in the Tempo Range boxes to the song tempo – 128bpm here – and 999bpm in the right box.

2 This sets the range of values displayed in the automation display. The red line at the bottom of the graph now shows our song tempo. Click the line to create two automation nodes: one where the effect should begin, and one where the original tempo returns.

3 Lift the second node up to the top of the graph, then hold the Alt key and push against the line to bend it into a curve. Lastly, set the global quantise to 1 bar, then, using the Pen tool, draw a flat line at the bottom of the graph where you want the song’s original tempo to return.

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